Saturday, December 11, 2010

One day..

   ..I'm going to be famous. Last night, I drunkenly told my boyfriend and his friends. Not just told them, but explained it in great detail for about 15 minutes. This was the sort of  moment that slips your mind until reminded of it in the morning. Then all of a sudden you hear yourself saying "Oh yeah, ahh. That's embarrassing." Kind of embarrassing, kind of funny.
     I believe it and that's the weird part. I'm not sure if everyone feels this way, but I was born with a sense of destiny. I've talked to my best friends Brittany and Alyssa( together we make the triforce) about it, and they believe as I do, that we three we're meant for big things. The best things in life do come in threes; Three Musketeers, Three blind mice, Threes company too, Trilogies, Threesome, The Triforce of course and The Holy Trinity.

    I asked Brittany what good things came in threes via text message, and she replied "Nipples"
Just goes to show you what kind of people we are.
   Anyway back to the point, Great things, right. Similar to Harry Potter. Destined to be the savior of the magical world. That's how I see it, and there's no way around it. Its happening, I don't care how, not really when either. As soon as possible preferably, I need to make the big bucks.